
Blog Posts

Technical Urea: The Powerhouse Nutrient of the Industry

Technical urea is a compound widely used in industrial applications and plays a significant role, particularly in the production of specialized products like AdBlue.


Sulfur: Types and Applications

Today, sulfur is an important raw material widely used in various industrial, agricultural, and chemical applications. Sulfur is a yellow-colored element represented by the chemical symbol S.


Urea: A Versatile Material and Fertilizer

Urea is a compound with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2 and contains 46% nitrogen. It serves as a versatile material, used both as a plant fertilizer in the agricultural sector and for various purposes in the chemical industry and other industrial processes.


Digital World

Throughout human history, we have developed tools and technologies to improve our way of life. Global trade has come a long ...


Risk Management in Foreign Trade

Risk Management is the process of carefully and thoroughly identifying and evaluating in advance the risks that may arise while performing the work of institutions or enterprises, taking measures to eliminate or minimize the risks.


The Situation of Supply Chains from The Perspective of the Manufacturer and Trader

n the last 3 years, there have been major disruptions in the logistics sector and therefore in world trade, which first started with the covid-related closures in mid-2020, then continued with the closure of the Suez Canal in March 2021, and finally due to the Russia-Ukraine war.


Connect The Dots

Macroeconomic shocks experienced on a global scale caused commodity markets to remain in a highly fragile structure. After the global recession caused by the epidemic, there was a great collapse in commodity prices. However, this was followed by a sharp jump in prices and high inflation figures along with expansionary monetary policies.


Effects of Covid Epidemic on Sulphur and Fertilizer Industry

With the spread of Covid 19 virus worldwide, its effects on economy and raw material markets started to be seen.


History of Sulphur, Physical and Chemical Properties

Sulfur, whose linguistic origin is claimed to be Persian, means “burning stone” in Latin. It has been accepted as a mysterious and fascinating substance since ancient times, and it has been described as the “stone of philosophy” by alchemists, which is supposed to turn items into gold.


Sulphur Varieties And How To Obtain

The Sicilian method was one of the first ways to extract sulphur from underground deposits. It was the only industrial method of recovering sulfur from elemental deposits until replaced by the Frasch process. Most of the world’s sulfur was obtained this way until the late 19th century.


Covid's Effect On Container Shipping Industry

As we all know, the production center of the world is China. To meet the increasing demands of the consumer, manufacturers in China purchased materials from all over the world. These backlogs in Chinese ports have led to container shortages all around the world due to the country’s export closure.